Unfortunately the Yorkshire March for Our NHS that was due to take place on Saturday 10
July has been postponed due to rising Covid-19 levels. The demands of the march are set out below:
People's Covid Inquiry
organised by Keep Our NHS Public It’s not too soon to start learning lessons about this crisis, especially while so many people are still dying from Covid-19. KONP believes this level of deaths was avoidable. We all deserve to know how and why this happened. People's Covid Inquiry web site Keep Our NHS Public is also appealing for funding towards the cost of the inquiry Crowdfunding page |
Transport from Huddersfield: Hands Off HRI coach £20 waged £10 unwaged; ring UNISON Kirklees Local Government Branch on 01484 511826 for more information.

ournhs70demo.pdf | |
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Contact Mac [email protected] or Pat
07974 001221 [email protected] for information about the coach to London. Calderdale Trades Council is offering financial support to low paid and unemployed Calderdale residents who want to travel from Huddersfield to the London demonstration. Contact us for more information. |
Below Calderdale Trades Council at the
“It’s Our NHS” national demonstration London, Saturday March 4 |
“It’s Our NHS”
national demonstration London, Saturday March 4 Health Campaigns Together and People's Assembly demonstration. Demonstration leaflet can be downloaded below: ![]()
Calderdale People's Assembly is organising a coach to the #ourNHS – no cuts | no closures | no privatisation demonstration in London on Saturday March 4.
Ticket prices are: supporter £30, waged £24, low waged/pension £15, unwaged £5, children free. Supporter rate helps pay for children and unwaged. Note: if tickets are bought via Eventbrite an additional fee will be charged. Online bookings can be made via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/calderdale-goes-to-defendournhs-tickets-31563399979 Alternatively, contact Jane Rendle to arrange to buy tickets or for more information: e-mail [email protected] or phone 07955313391.
Pick-ups will be at the following times: 6.30 Halifax 6.45 Mytholmroyd 6.50 Hebden Bridge 7.00 Todmorden The exact locations of pick-ups will be notified on booking of tickets. |
Hands off HRI
Huddersfield Daily Examiner: Jeremy Hunt will now decide future of HRI after councillors reject plans 21 July 2017 Calderdale and Kirklees 999 Call for the NHS: Councillors refer hospital cuts proposals to Secretary of State 22 July 2017 Huddersfield Daily Examiner: Fury as health chiefs vote through Huddersfield A&E closure 20 October 2016 Calderdale Trades Council Hospital Reconfiguration Consultation Response Calderdale Trades Council has backed retaining Accident and Emergency Departments in both Calderdale and Huddersfield in its response to the recent local NHS consultation. The Trades Council's response also covers proposals regarding Urgent Care, Planned Care, Maternity, Paediatric and Community Health Services. The Trades Council's full consultation response can be viewed or downloaded below.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Hospital Reconfiguration
Consultation extended to 5pm Friday 24 June The deadline for the consultation into the Hospital reconfiguration proposals, including closing the Accident and Emergency Department at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary has been extended to 5pm Friday June 24. Please complete the online survey at: https://www.elesurvey.co.uk/f/613800/6471 or call 01484 464212 to obtain a printed version of the survey. NHS campaign groups have drawn up some model responses to the Consultation questionnaire. These are available at http://www.energyroyd.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/June-6th_Hospital-cuts-consultation-survey_brief-advice_final.pdf. Please draw on these to fill in the questionnaire but answer the questions using your own words. Campaigners are also asking people to print and deliver the pdf version of the leaflet in their local area. Hospital Reconfiguration
Consultation closes Tues 21 June The deadline for the consultation into the Hospital reconfiguration proposals, including closing the Accident and Emergency Department at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is next Tuesday - June 21st. #handsoffHRI March & Rally Saturday 27 February, assemble 11.30am @ St George's Square next to Huddersfield Train station
https://www.facebook.com/events/1134679889875794 Huge Save Huddersfield Royal Infirmary A & E Department Rally 23 January Huddersfield Daily Examiner: Hands off HRI: More than 1,000 people turn out for rally in St George's Square Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker Report on Greater Huddersfield and Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Groups meeting on 20 January |
Calderdale Trades Council supported the Huddersfield March for the NHS on Saturday 29 April 2017. The Calderdale Trades Council banner was carried on the march.
Sunday 4 September Demonstration and Funday Sunday
Demonstration sets off from Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Acre Street, Lindley, HD3 3EA Noon – march to Greenhead Park for Funday Sunday 12:30-7:00pm - Free Family Festival in Greenhead Park, Huddersfield. Huddersfield Daily Examiner: #HandsoffHRI: Huddersfield's biggest post-war demonstration delivers strong message to health bosses
"More than 5,000 people flooded St George’s Square today for Huddersfield’s biggest post war demonstration as they fight plans to close the town's A&E department.?" Huddersfield Daily Examiner: NHS activists to march through Huddersfield town centre 3 April 2017
Huddersfield Daily Examiner 27 February 2016: #HandsoffHRI: Huddersfield's biggest post-war demonstration delivers strong message to health bosses
“Stand By our Health workers:
Stand Up for the NHS“ It is four years since the Tory / Lib Dem coalition passed the Health and Social Care Act sounding the death-knell for the NHS. The H&SC Act removed the Secretary of State’s duty to provide a national health service and opened up almost all new health care contracts to private companies. The NHS is being privatised, fragmented and starved of resources. Now the Government is moving fast to devolve health care to the same Local Authorities who they have already decimated through budget cuts so we can expect more hospital closures, rationing and post code lotteries with the blame deftly diverted from the Government to local Councils. |
Like many hospitals, Leeds Teaching Hospital is expecting to be £40m in the red this year, Huddersfield and Dewsbury Hospitals are losing their A&Es and being run down, maternity units are closing, mental health services in York are in total disarray and the Government is openly calling for cuts in front line staff just a year after insisting on minimum staffing levels to maintain patient safety. They have axed public health budgets hard on the heels of public health becoming the responsibility of Local Authorities. Now they are trying to impose a new contract on junior doctors that is neither safe nor fair and remove student bursaries from nurses and allied health workers. Even GPs who normally stay out of the fray have just held an unprecedented crisis summit and are exploring what action they can take to resist the running down of GP services.
Calderdale Trades Council joined the Halifax to Huddersfield stage of the local feeder march for the 999 Call for NHS Jarrow to London March on 22 August. The Trades Council was also represented in Leeds to welcome the main 999 Call for NHS march on the same day. Photo: Jenny Shepherd
Halifax Courier coverage Huddersfield Daily Examiner coverage Calderdale Trades Council is supporting the 999 March for the NHS
More information: http://999callfornhs.org.uk |
Calderdale TUC urges support for Walk for NHS start 9am at Calderdale Hospital Fri 22 Aug to Huddersfield & Dewsbury:
For more information go to: http://www.energyroyd.org.uk/archives/12951 |
PRIVATISATION PLANS ARE: "BEGINNING OF THE END" Plans are in place to slash the number of NHS beds at Calderdale Royal Hospital to just 88 – and to open up 300 beds to private patients. For full article go to: http://www.unisonyh-action.org.uk/unison_reveals_privatisation_plan and http://www.unisonyh-action.org.uk/unison_revelation_proven_correct |
Calderdale Council Adults, Health & Social Care Scrutiny Panel Lobbied 1st July
Calderdale Trades Council, Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS Campaign Group and members of the public called on the Scrutiny Panel to hold a formal inquiry into the hospital trust’s Strategic Outline Case proposals for shaking up NHS and social care. Huddersfield Daily Examiner Article Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker Report Below: part of the May Day March to save our A & E. Photo: Tony Zimnoch. |
Lobby Calderdale Council Adults, Health & Social Care Scrutiny Panel Tuesday 1st July 2014, Halifax Town Hall, 5.30pm onwards.
Calderdale Trades Council, Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS Campaign Group and members of the public are calling on Calderdale Council’s Adult Health and Scrutiny Panel to hold a formal inquiry into the hospital trust’s Strategic Outline Case proposals for shaking up NHS and social care. More information Huddersfield Daily Examiner Article |
Hundreds marched for A&E on Mayday, leaving flowers and messages at Calderdale Royal Hospital to say thank you to NHS staff.
Anti A&E cuts campaigners march with simple message: 'Lives will be put at risk' - Huddersfield Daily Examiner coverage Huddersfield and Halifax hospital A&E shake-up proposals delayed "Dr Matt Walsh, chief officer of Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCCG), has told Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Board he was unsure as to when the public would get their say and what the proposal would be." Huddersfield Daily Examiner coverage |
Council and health chiefs clash over A&E proposals
"Politicians and health bosses are set to clash after calls to drop proposals which could see the closure of Calderdale Royal Hospital’s Accident and Emergency department were rejected by doctors’ leaders." Halifax Courier coverage Below: Calderdale Trades Council took part in a lobby of the Council meeting on Wednesday 16 April. |
Calderdale Council Meeting unanimously calls for A&E proposals to be withdrawn
Councillors voted unanimously on Wednesday 16 April to ask the NHS Trust to withdraw its ‘preferred option’ and to set up a People’s Commission to take evidence, lead consultation and produce proposals regarding the future provision of integrated health and social care services across the Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield health and social care economy. |
Band Together for OUR NHS
After 300 people gathered in Halifax on Saturday 29 March a Steering Group has been set up to co-ordinate the campaign to oppose the downgrading or closure of A & E services in Calderdale and Huddersfield. Calderdale Trades Council Chair Cllr David Draycott joined Halifax MP Linda Riordan and others to leaflet FC Halifax Town supporters about the campaign at their home match on 19 April. |
Lobby Calderdale Council Meeting
Wednesday 16 April 5pm Halifax Town Hall The Labour Group on Calderdale Council have called a Special Council Meeting this Wednesday to discuss a motion calling on Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust to withdraw their controversial proposals for Calderdale Royal Hospital. The text of the motion can be read at: |
Three hundred people gathered together in Halifax on Saturday to help build a broad coalition of campaigners opposed to any downgrading or closure of A & E services in Calderdale and Huddersfield. There were two touching moments which won the most applause from the audience. The first was when a representative of the local Mosques brought to the stage hundreds of signatures to a petition calling on local health chiefs to save A & E services. This was followed by a woman from Todmorden who spoke with great feeling and affection about staff at Calderdale Royal Hospital who had saved her life. She had brought with her a petition signed by over 2,000 people living in Todmorden and she told the |
Please support this lobby to show Calderdale Councillors that there is massive opposition to plans to close the Accident and Emergency Department at Calderdale Royal Hospital.
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audience that: "these signatures had been collected by volunteers working in the wind and the rain during the winter." Campaigners were given a boost when Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Tim Swift announced that: "the Labour Group will ask the next Council meeting to call on the hospital Trust and Clinical Commissioning Groups to withdraw their current proposals."