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Stand Up To Racism
National unity demonstration Saturday 17 November, assemble 12 noon BBC, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA more information Coach from Bradford leaves 7am from The Bradford Hotel, Hall Ings, Bradford, BD1 5SH. £10.00 Concessions, £20.00 Standard Waged. Buy tickets from Barry 07971 038779 or via Eventbrite (booking fees payable). Coach from Huddersfield Coach leaves Huddersfield at 7.30am. Seats basic price £20 waged/£10 concessions. For more information, to book seats or obtain publicity materials phone Kirklees Stand Up to Racism on 07814 709853. If any Calderdale resident wishes to attend the demonstration and needs financial support towards travel costs, the Trades Council has agreed to make some help available. Please contact Calderdale Trades Council for more information. |
Support Striking Northern Rail Train Guards Northern Rail Train Guards are here to help you. Train Guards are safety critical staff, vital to ensuring passengers have a safe, secure and accessible railway. • We help passengers in the event of an emergency such as a derailment, evacuation or fire. • We help provide security and assurance, especially for vulnerable passengers. • We help many older and disabled passengers on and off trains and during their journey. • We help provide expert travel advice to improve your journey. The Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling wants to end the help we provide. He has told Arriva Rail North to remove Guards and introduce Driver Only Trains. We are fighting these plans and have taken many days strike action and are suffering financial hardship. We need your practical and political help if we are going to win. Help us… so we can carry on helping you • Please donate to our dispute fund to support Northern Guards via Unity Trust Bank, Account name RMT Arriva Rail North Dispute Fund, Account number:20398721, Sort Code: 60-83-01 • Please contact us to invite a speaker to your union branch or region or community group. |
• Write to your MP using the model letter above. • Watch our film unguarded see above • Circulate this appeal in your workplace and communities. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT |
National Demonstration to
Save Libraries, Museums and Culture Saturday 3 November, Assemble: 11 a.m. at The British Library, Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB. March: 12 noon to Parliament. As the crisis in our public library service deepens and central Government slashes local council budgets, UNISON is calling a National Demonstration in support of Libraries, Museums and Culture. The demo and rally are supported by PCS and UNITE. Keep up to date with announcements on the Love Your Libraries Facebook page Contact [email protected] for more information. Demo leaflet Demo poster |
Support Orgreave Truth
and Justice Campaign at Halloween At Halloween, Wednesday 31 October, Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign reiterates our call for justice! Please Contact the home secretary Sajid Javid details below and let him know we won’t be silenced! Demand Orgreave Justice from Home Secretary Sajid Javid: 020 7219 7027 [email protected], Tweet to @sajidjavid, write to The Home Office, 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF. Please use these images on social media. Please use hashtag #OrgreaveJustice in your social media postings. Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign web site |

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Support Orgreave Truth
and Justice Campaign on Yorkshire Day On Wednesday August 1st, Yorkshire Day, Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign reiterates our call for justice! Please Contact the home secretary Sajid Javid details below and let him know we won’t be silenced! Demand Orgreave Justice from Home Secretary Sajid Javid: 020 7219 7027 [email protected], Tweet to @sajidjavid, write to The Home Office, 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF. Please use these images on social media or download and print them as posters for your work notice board. Please use hashtags #OrgreaveJustice and #Yorkshireday in your social media postings. Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign web site |

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#TUC150: Building our movement for the next 150 years
2018 is the 150th anniversary of the Trades Union Congress.
2018 is the 150th anniversary of the Trades Union Congress.

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TGI Friday Strike
Solidarity Action Friday 18 May 5.30 – 7.30pm Unit 14, Broad Street Plaza Halifax HX1 1YA Unite members at TGI Friday are this week taking the historic step of organising strike action in a major restaurant chain. They are striking against the removal of their tips to pay for a wage rise for kitchen staff, a wage rise the company should be stumping up for out of their profits. |
The company have also been abusing unemployed people by using them as UNPAID LABOUR through the use of bogus “trial shifts” which do not lead to jobs. As trade unionists we need to get behind this historic campaign and help our comrades in their attempt to build union power in a previously non-unionised industry. |
Join the TUC's national
march and rally on Saturday 12 May 2018 in central London. https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/new-deal-working-people-tuc-march-rally All workers deserve a great job so everyone has a chance to progress and get on in life. The TUC will be joining with our unions and thousands of supporters. Together we will call for more and better jobs, and a more equal, more prosperous country. We want you to join us. Speakers at the rally will include TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady, union leaders and frontline workers. The family-friendly event is part of the TUC's Great Jobs Agenda campaign. |
Trades Unionists Support Claimants' Rights
Calderdale based Unite Community members leafletting claimants at Halifax Job Centre. Published jointly by Department of Works and Pensions staff union PCS and Unite Community Branches, the leaflets outline claimants’ rights to be accompanied at any meeting with Job Centre staff and explain how to respond to Benefits Sanctions. Halifax and Calder Valley Unite Community Branch organises regular leafletting sessions at Halifax Job Centre and if you would like to get involved, contact the Branch via Calderdale Trades Council. |
Calderdale had little in the way of celebrations of May Day, International Workers' Day, for several years. In
2017, Calderdale Trades Council changed this with a programme of films, speeches, discussion and music and a local Labour Movement History Walk.
The May Day 2018 programme is at http://calderdalemayday.org.uk. Please ‘Like’ the Calderdale May Day Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/calderdalemayday. We will be tweeting lots about May Day from @calderdaletuc on Twitter. Thanks to Calderdale NEU, NUT Section, Calderdale Libraries and Pride Design and Print for their sponsorship and support for the Calderdale May Day programme. |
A living wage of £10 / hour for all, the full
rate for young workers
Sick of Being Skint? is Calderdale Trades Council’s contribution to the fight for all workers to be paid at least £10 per hour. We are urging workers, especially young workers, to press for better pay and conditions at work through joining a union.
In July 2017 Calderdale Trades Council has worked with USDAW taking ‘Sick of Being Skint?’ cards to the Lidl Supermarket in Sowerby Bridge and with BFAWU in Halifax Town Centre. |
During Heart Unions Week in February 2017 Calderdale Trades Council took ‘Sick of Being Skint?’ campaign postcards to over 60 workplaces in Halifax, Brighouse and Hartshead Moor Service Station.
Download a digital version of the postcard below: ![]()

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Unfortunately the Food and Farming public meeting had to be postponed due to the weather. We will announce a new date for this meeting soon

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Lobby Calderdale’s Budget Council
meeting Monday 26 February
meeting Monday 26 February
Calderdale Trades Council will be lobbying councillors outside Halifax Town Hall, Crossley Street, HX1 1UJ from 4.45 to 6.00pm and then joining the meeting as observers. Bring your Trade Union and organisation banners to protest against the cuts that have been forced on the council through eight years of austerity.
Funding from central government has been reduced from £137.7 million in 2010/11 to £65.8 million in 2018/19. This is a gap of £71.9 million next year alone. Austerity is biting and biting hard. Calderdale has been cut to the bone. Reductions in central government funding over the last eight years has taken £375.1 million away from our council and the local economy since 2010. Under Government plans, this will rise to £527.3 million by 2021 – more than half a billion pounds or £2,530 for every adult and child in the borough. |
The budget proposals contains significant cuts and changes to services but these are not local choices – they are forced on local councillors by central government. No wonder John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor, has described local councillors as ‘human shields’ for central government’s austerity policies.
These cuts, in addition to all the cuts imposed from previous years, will result in further significant damage to schools and a whole range of vital local services and support, further reducing the quality of life for the vast majority of people in Calderdale, especially the most vulnerable. Come and join our protest to voice your concerns at this unfair budget, forced on the people of Calderdale by Central Government and call for an end to the cruel and damaging effects of the Government’s austerity programme. |
HeartUnions Week 2018 takes place from 12 to 18 February.
Calderdale Trades Council will be supporting BFAWU's #McStrike campaign during the week. We will be campaigning on Monday 12 and Saturday 17 February from 11 am outside McDonald's, 22/24 Old Market, Halifax, HX1 1TN. Please join us. BFAWU Organiser Sarah Woolley will be with us on Monday 12 February and TUC Policy and Campaigns Officer Gareth Lewis intends to join us on one or both days. Young workers at McDonalds are standing up to insecure work and low pay, and pushing for respect and a voice at work through their union. Show your support to the growing voice of McDonald’s workers as they stand up for dignity in work. Please sign the petition calling on McDonald's to Keep staff safe from abusive customers. |
HeartUnions week is also highlighting the TUC's Fair Pay For Public Servants campaign. Public service unions have been winning the argument on a fair pay settlement, after eight years of real terms pay cuts. Now we need to keep up the pressure for real action and genuine new funding. We want to hear from you: Calderdale Trades Council wishes to work with public sector unions and the wider Trades Union movement to build the campaign to scrap the Government’s iniquitous, unfair Public Sector Pay Cap. We want to hear your views as to how we can all work together to raise the profile of, and campaign on, these issues in our area. Would you and your union support a programme of leafletting, rallies, public meetings etc. in Calderdale? When and how do you think such events should be organised? Contact us HeartUnions web site TUC McDonald's leaflet TUC HeartUnions Week general leaflet |
CUTS England’s schools are now experiencing the largest real terms cuts in funding in more than a generation. In real terms, schools will lose huge amounts of money rising to £2.5 billion a year by 2020. 92% of schools will have their funding cut. Teaching unions NUT and ATL have launched a School Cuts Campaign web site: http://www.schoolcuts.org.uk. Go there to see how schools in your neighbourhood will be affected and to email your MP to oppose the cuts. |
Fair Funding for All Schools is a campaign set up by a group of parents calling for Fair Funding for All Schools. Please sign their petition at: http://www.change.org/fairfundingforallschools. The campaign’s web site is at: http://www.fairfundingforallschools.org. Fair Funding for All Achools is also organising a day of action on Saturday 25 February, details at: https://www.change.org/p/rt-hon-justine-greening-mp-fair-funding-for-all-schools/u/19292039. Publicity leaflet for September 2016 public meeting below: |
We are sorry to report the death of Joe Mitchell. Joe was a tireless worker for the Labour and Trade Union movement. He served as a Calderdale Labour Councillor and was a former head of the Trade Union Studies Department at Bradford College. Joe also worked for and with the EU helping Trades Unions and Local Authorities win Funding for many Projects. More recently, Joe was active in Credit Unions, the Keep Our Police in Todmorden campaign and was a volunteer for the 3-C Community Broadband
Co-operative. Joe was a Calderdale Trades Council Officer for some time and treasurer of the last Trades Council. He was instrumental in setting up Calderdale Save Our Services in December 2010 and worked hard to try and keep the Trades Council going around that time. |
Joe Mitchell
1944 - 2018 Joe nominated “Part of the Union” by the Strawbs as the entry music to his funeral which also included the singing of William Blake’s “Jerusalem” and the playing of Pete Seeger’s “Solidarity Forever”.
Below is a video of Joe opening the Calderdale Save Our Services founding meeting on 6 December 2010. |
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