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Calderdale TUC has written to local papers supporting TUC's Britain Still Needs a Pay Rise campaign #PublicSector Scrap the #PayCap. This is the Calderdale TUC letter: ![]()
Britain still needs a pay rise: London Rally for fair pay for public servants Tuesday 17 October
Tell your MP public servants need a pay rise
Write to your MP to help keep up the pressure in Parliament for a fair pay rise for public service workers. It only takes a minute, and we can help you find your MP and send them an email. |
Support McDonald's
Strikers Monday 4 September Mc Donald's workers who are members of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' Union (BFAWU) are going on strike in Cambridge and Crayford, South East London on Monday 4 September. The strike has been called over a number of grievances at the two workplaces, and the workers are also fighting for £10 an hour minimum wage now, union recognition, and for the scrapping of zero hours contracts. More information is at the Fast Food Rights web site. Calderdale Trades is organising a #McStrike #McSolidarity protest on: Monday 4 September Midday - 2pm outside McDonald's 22/24 Old Market, Halifax, HX1 1TN |
Please join us if you can. We also intend to leaflet workers at other McDonald's branches in Calderdale afterwards.
Please send messages of solidarity by email to: Cambridge strikers Crayford strikers Please donate to the Bakers' Union Fast Food Rights Campaign strike fund. |
Download pdf version of demonstration leaflet:
Transport from Calderdale
to the Not One More Day #ToriesOut demonstration in London Saturday 1 July. Bradford and Calderdale People’s Assemblies are combining to provide the following coach transport: 0600 – Hebden Bridge (by the Marina, HX7 8AD) 0630 – Halifax (Charles Street, opp old Charlie Browns site, HX1 1QW) 0700 – Bradford - outside Bradford Hotel, Hall Ings, BD1 5SH Booking is on a first paid, first booked basis - £20/10, and can be made via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bradfordcalderdale-transport-to-the-not-one-day-more-demonstration-tickets-35633064455 Payment can also be made by direct transfer to the Bradford People's Assembly's bank account, account |
no: 18184235, sort code 05 09 04. Please quote the reference 010717 with your payment. If you choose this method to pay or wish to make alternative payment arrangements, please e-mail [email protected] or text 07941 355272 to book your coach place including where you will be joining the coach. Some financial support is available for unwaged Calderdale residents struggling to afford the £10 fee, but you need to register this directly with Richard, and this also applies for any under 16s. If you are members of Unite, please let Richard know your full name and membership number so that your local PA can invoice Unite for your booking. Calderdale PA’s facebook page https://www.facebook.com/calderdalepa will carry further details of the march as these are published. |
Solidarity with
Nestlé workers 15 proposed redundancies in Halifax; over 100 proposed redundancies in York. Bike ride, march and rally Saturday 27 May! Bike ride start: 11am, Nestle factory, Haxby Road, York March starts 11:30, York Jobcentre Plus, 18 Monkgate Road, York Y031 7JZ Rally at 12:00, York city centre St. Helen’s Square Nestlé is cutting over a hundred jobs in York. The iconic Blue Riband chocolate biscuit is moving to Poland, ending over 80 years of production in the UK. The confectionery giant – the world’s biggest food company – is making the cuts, despite raking in £21bn from sales. |
Sweet memories… York has been the home of chocolate for over 300 years. Don’t let Nestlé trash our proud chocolate-making history. It would do well to remember Rowntree’s proud historical determination to build a better society as well as its profits. Rowntree’s took care of workers - it has become as famous for the many benefits it provided its staff as for the chocolate and sweets it produced. Now we need Nestlé to live up to that proud legacy and start exporting chocolate, not jobs. Get ready! Show your support for Nestlé workers. Let’s make this a fun-packed day. Bring your noise makers, banners and flags. |
Education Question
Time Hold #GE2017 candidates to account! Calderdale NUT is organising the following Education Question Time events in the Halifax and the Calder Valley constituencies so that voters can quiz general election candidates on education issues: Education Question Time: Calder Valley Monday 22 May 7.30 pm Brighouse Civic Hall CANCELLED:
Education Question Time: Halifax Thursday 25 May 7.30 pm @ThreewaysCentre Tickets for either event should be booked in advance via https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/calderdalenut and are limited to 2 tickets per person. |
Calderdale has had little in the way of celebrations of May Day, International Workers' Day, for several years. In 2017, Calderdale Trades Council is changing this with a programme of films, speeches, discussion and music and a local Labour Movement History Walk.
Please ‘Like’ the Calderdale May Day Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/calderdalemayday. The Calderdale May Day web site is at http://mayday.calderdaletuc.org.uk and we will be tweeting lots about May Day from @calderdaletuc on Twitter. Thanks to GMB and Pride Design and Print for their sponsorship for the Calderdale May Day programme. |
Make sure you can vote in the General Election
Make sure you are on the Electoral Register before Monday 22 May https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote |

wmd2017leafletmono.pdf | |
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Orgreave Truth
and Justice Campaign #DeathofJustice Rally October 31st Haloween Night @ 17:30 Devonshire Green, Sheffield March to Sheffield Law Court The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign have called this “Death of Justice Rally” to mark the one year Anniversary of Amber Rudd’s shocking decision not to hold any form of inquiry into the infamous “Battle of Orgreave” where 95 miners were “beaten up, fitted up and locked up”. |
Orgreave” where 95 miners were “beaten up, fitted up and locked up”. The Orgreave Campaign see it fitting that this decision was made on Halloween as we all know it’s the old monsters and ghosts of the Tory party who where responsible for the injustice then, that denies us justice now, 33 years later. We encourage you to join us on this Halloween night to rally against the evil of the past and present! Fancy dress optional but encouraged! Facebook Event page: #DeathofJustice Unite Community and OTJC are looking to organise transport from Calder Valley / Halifax to this event; please email [email protected] if you are interested in attending. |
Make Some Noise
for Orgreave national demonstration London, Monday March 13 Contact us for information about transport from Calderdale. Demonstrate against the Home Secretary's shocking decision not to grant an inquiry into "The Battle of Orgreave". Monday March 13th at 2pm - 4pm Home Office, Unit 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF We are hoping to show how angry our community feels about the decision so have billed the Demonstration as a "Noise Protest" Bring Drums, Pots and Pans, Loud Hailers, Sirens, Whistles, Sound systems And.....Your voices! Let's tell the Government we won't be silenced! No Justice! No Peace! |
See you on the streets March 13
#Orgreavejustice Keep checking http://otjc.org.uk for more info Video below: |
Sick of Being Skint? is Calderdale Trades Council’s contribution to the fight for all workers to be paid at least £10 per hour. We are urging workers, especially young workers, to press for better pay and conditions at work through joining a union.
In July 2017 Calderdale Trades Council worked with USDAW taking ‘Sick of Being Skint?’ cards to the Lidl Supermarket in Sowerby Bridge and with BFAWU in Halifax Town Centre. |
During Heart Unions Week in February 2017 Calderdale Trades Council took ‘Sick of Being Skint?’ campaign postcards to over 60 workplaces in Halifax, Brighouse and Hartshead Moor Service Station.
Download a digital version of the postcard below: ![]()
Calderdale Trades Council will be taking our new Sick of Being Skint? campaign into workplaces and onto the streets during Heart Unions Week 8 – 14 February 2017. This campaign is Calderdale Trades Council’s contribution to the fight for all workers to be paid at least £10 per hour. We will be urging workers, especially young workers, to press for better pay and conditions at work through joining a union.
Download a digital version of the postcard below: ![]()
Huddersfield Daily Examiner article 5 Feb 2017
Please join us for the following:
Wednesday 8 February: three sessions in Halifax, meet outside Central Library 9.30am, 2pm and 6pm – come along for a session or the whole day. Thursday 9 February: Hartshead Moor Service Station and Brighouse, meet 10am Hartshead Moor outside Welcome Break on the M62 Eastbound carriageway. Please contact us if you can offer lifts to Hartshead Moor Service Station or if you would like a lift. Saturday 11 February: two sessions in Halifax, meet outside Central Library 9.30am and 2pm – come along for a session or the whole day. |
short broadcast will answer questions about the role of unions in the modern workplace and highlight great stories from across our trade union movement. Watch the broadcast here or below: |
Heart Unions week is a week of activity throughout England and Wales promoting the benefits of trades unionism, raising the profile of unions in their communities and online. In 2017, Heart Unions Week will run from 8-14 February.
The Big Workplace Meeting: Join TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady and her special guest for "The Big Workplace Meeting" on Thursday 9 February. The TUC wants to get as many union branch meetings taking place simultaneously as possible on Thursday 9 February, 12.30pm, bringing members and potential members into workplace activities. The |
In addition to Calderdale Trades Council's Sick of Being Skint? campaign, GMB will be holding a street stall in Halifax to speak directly with the public and local businesses about the real and genuine concerns facing Calderdale foster carers.
The GMB Street Stall takes place on: Saturday 11 February 2017 11am - 1.30pm at The Woolshops, Halifax Town Centre More information about GMB's Foster Carers' campaign here |
Stand Together for
Calderdale Foster Carers Calderdale Council has decided to change Terms and Conditions for the borough's Foster Carers. The changes include reducing Foster Carers’ annual leave entitlement by a week and withdrawing payments when a family has no placement. GMB asserts that the latter would effectively place Foster Carers on to a Zero Hours Contract. According to the report to the Council on this issue, a representative of Calderdale Foster Carers Association advised that the proposed changes were the wrong way to recruit new foster carers and that the Council may lose existing foster carers as a result of these changes. GMB has launched a petition in its campaign to persuade Calderdale Council to change its policy. This can be signed online at: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/calderdale-foster-carers-petition |
Nationally the union has submitted evidence to the House of Commons Education Committee
Inquiry into Fostering. A copy of GMB’s evidence can be downloaded below: ![]()
Rail privatisation is
daylight robbery Leafletting Tuesday 3 January 2017, Brighouse Station, 4.30pm onwards, please join us. Action for Rail national day of action on 3 January 2017 is calling for public ownership, affordable fares and a properly staffed railway that is inclusive and accessible for all.
Fares will be going up again in January 2017, and since privatisation they’ve increased by 24% on average – it’s daylight robbery. Meanwhile we often have to endure late, overcrowded and understaffed services, while private train companies continue to pay out increasingly bigger dividends to their shareholders. There is information about the day of action on the website http://actionforrail.org/rail-privatisation-is-daylight-robbery-take-action |
Members of Calderdale Trades Council and Calder Valley Labour Party leafletted at Brighouse Station.
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